


kicad6bulkchangeproperties [2022/04/10 11:21]
gongyusu 创建
kicad6bulkchangeproperties [2022/04/26 09:43] (当前版本)
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 ## 在PcbNew中批量调整文本和图形的属性 ## 在PcbNew中批量调整文本和图形的属性
 +  * [[https://​www.bilibili.com/​video/​BV14L4y1B7aH?​spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click|KICAD5.99位号批量修改文本大小]]
 +下面我就来演示一下另外一种批量修改丝印的方式,首先点击编辑-选择编辑文本与图形属性如图:{{ ::​silkscreen5.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 编辑文本与属性</​WRAP>​
 +进入编辑文本和图形属性框,这边因为我们修改的是位号,所以这边勾选位号,文本高度文本宽度都改成0.1,文本粗细改成0.1,其余不变如图:{{ ::​silkscreen6.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 编辑文本与属性</​WRAP>​
 +编辑完成后点击确认我们可以看到所有位号丝印都改成了统一的大小如图:{{ ::​silkscreen7.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 修改位号的丝印大小</​WRAP>​
 +再看一下3D模型,显示位号的丝印是放大了的。{{ ::​silkscreen8.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 查看3D模型</​WRAP>​
 +如果当我们器件布局比较紧密的时候,我们其实是可以不需要添加这些位号的,这时我们就可以就可以将这些位号进行隐藏,如果只想隐藏部分的位号的话我们就可以直接双击位号,弹出封装位号属性,显示的对话框取消勾选如图{{ ::​silkscreen9.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 封装位号属性</​WRAP>​
 +此时刚刚那个位号已经被隐藏掉了如图:{{ ::​silkscreen10.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 位号隐藏</​WRAP>​
 +接下来我们再演示一下如何批量隐藏位号,打开刚才的编辑文本与图形属性框,我们操作的对象还是位号,所以还是选择位号,然后在层的这一栏中的可见前的选框取消勾选,其余不变,如图:{{ ::​silkscreen12.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 隐藏位号</​WRAP>​
 +点击确认后可以发现所有的位号都被隐藏掉了,我们再看一下3D效果图如图:{{ ::​silkscreen13.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 隐藏位号</​WRAP>​{{ ::​silkscreen14.png |}}<WRAP centeralign>​ 查看3D模型</​WRAP>​
 KiCad provides user interface tools to help you make multiple changes in a single step. For example, you can change all silkscreen layer text items to have a uniform height and width. You can also be specific in terms of scope, and change text attributes of all footprint values or reference text items at once. KiCad provides user interface tools to help you make multiple changes in a single step. For example, you can change all silkscreen layer text items to have a uniform height and width. You can also be specific in terms of scope, and change text attributes of all footprint values or reference text items at once.
 Apart from text properties, you can also change graphics, track and via properties in bulk. With the help of special filters, you can be very specific. For example, you can change the width of all power tracks on the top copper layer to a new value. Apart from text properties, you can also change graphics, track and via properties in bulk. With the help of special filters, you can be very specific. For example, you can change the width of all power tracks on the top copper layer to a new value.