Arduino Due


Arduino Due 是基于Atmel ARM SAM3X8E Cortex-M3 CPU的单片机主板,它是基于32位ARM核微控制器的第一个Arduino板。它有54个数字输入/输出管脚(其中12个可以用作PWM输出),12个模拟输入,4个UART(硬件串行端口),一个84兆赫的时钟,一个USB OTG能够连接,2 DAC(数字 - 模拟),2 TWI,一个电源插口,1个SPI头,一个JTAG头,复位按钮和擦除按钮。

  • A 32-bit core, that allows operations on 4 bytes wide data within a single CPU clock
  • CPU Clock at 84Mhz
  • 96 KBytes of SRAM
  • 512 KBytes of Flash memory for code
  • a DMA controller, that can relieve the CPU from doing memory intensive tasks.
