micropython-utelegram - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython.
uEagle - MicroPython Rainforest EAGLE client.
micropython-youtube-api - YouTube API in MicroPython.
micropython_esp8266_tweetbot - Tweet bot for MicroPython v1.8.4 (ESP8266).
telegram-upy - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython.
micropython-thingspeak - Library for sending data to thingspeak.com from IoT devices running MicroPython (such as ESP8266).
micropython_pushbullet - Simple example of how to use PushBullet with MicroPython on ESP8266.
esp32-youtube-display - Display YouTube metrics using Google API and MicroPython.
micropython-spotify-web-api - A library for using Spotify's web API from a IoT device with MicroPython.
micropython-firebase-auth - Firebase Auth implementation for Micropython.
PyBoard-HC05-Android - Pyboard HC05 Bluetooth adaptor example application.
uble - Lightweight Bluetooth Low Energy driver written in pure Python for MicroPython.
MicroPythonBLEHID - Human Interface Device (HID) over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT library for MicroPython.
upyble - Command line tool for Bluetooth Low Energy MicroPython devices.
micropython-xiaomi-ble-adv-parse - Passively retrieve sensor data from some Xiaomi Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors.
mijia-temphum-upy - MicroPython library to read certain Xiaomi Mijia BLE temperature & humidity sensors.
micropython-spacecan - Spacecan is a MicroPython implementation of the SpaceCAN protocol for embedded systems.
Robomaster-Micropython - Robomaster S1 - MicroPython CAN BUS controller.
micropython-mcp2515 - MicroPython MCP2515 driver, porting from Arduino MCP2515 CAN interface library.
ufastlz - MicroPython wrapper for FastLZ, a lightning-fast lossless compression library.
mpyaes - MicroPython module for AES encryption.
micropython-aes - AES algorithm with pure python implementation.
ucrypto - MicroPython package for doing fast elliptic curve cryptography, specifically digital signatures. API design inspired from fastecdsa and implementation based on tomsfastmath.
ucryptoauthlib - Lightweight driver for Microchip Crypto Authentication secure elements written in pure python for MicroPython.
embit - A minimal bitcoin library for MicroPython and Python3 with a focus on embedded systems.
microotp - A ESP8266 MicroPython OTP Generator.
micropython-rsa-signing - RSA signing on MicroPython.
micropython-cryptomsg - A MicroPython module to encrypt and decrypt messages with AES CBC mode.
ICantBelieveItsNotDNS - "I Can't Believe It's Not DNS!" (ICBIND) is an authoritative DNS server for the ESP8266 written in MicroPython.
MicroDNSSrv - A micro DNS server for MicroPython to simply respond to A queries on multi-domains with or without wildcards (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
tinydns - Very simple DNS async server for MicroPython.
micropython-captiveportal - Minimal async captive portal for MicroPython (compatible with uasyncio v3/MicroPython 1.13+ as well as earlier versions).
Micropython-DNSServer-Captive-Portal - MicroPython WiFi AP Captive Portal with DNS and Web Server.
Official wiznet5k - Official driver for the WIZnet5x00 series of Ethernet controllers.
micropy-ENC28J60 - ENC28J60 Ethernet chip driver for MicroPython (RP2).
RP2040 Ethernet example - Ethernet driver, example python code and YouTube.
micropython-ftplib - An FTP client library for MicroPython.
FTP-Server-for-ESP8266-ESP32-and-PYBD - Small FTP server for ESP8266/ESP32/PYBD on the MicroPython platform.
MicroFTPServer - Minimal FTP Server that can run on an ESP8266 with MicroPython.
micropython-uaioftp - Lightweight FTP library for MicroPython.
micropyGPS - Full featured GPS NMEA sentence parser.
micropython-gnssl76l - MicroPython I2C driver for Quectel GNSS L76-L (GPS).
mpy-agps - MicroPython implementation of assisted location services (AGPS).
Asynchronous GPS driver Receive and parse GPS data as a uasyncio task.
micropython-upyphone - A gsm phone using pyboard and sim800l.
micropython-sim800 - MicroPython driver for sim800.
sim800 - Library for interfacing with SIM800 module in MicroPython.
MicroPython-AM7020 - MicroPython driver for AM7020 Narrowband Internet of Things (NBIoT) module.
microhomie - MicroPython implementation of the Homie MQTT convention for IoT.
uPyEcho - Emulated Belkin WeMo device that works with Amazon Echo (Alexa) using MicroPython on an ESP32.
SonosRemote - A remote for Sonos installations running on an ESP8266 and using Sonos HTTP API.
micropython-home-assistant - MicroPython based scripts to extend you home assistant driven home automation projects.
micropython-iot - An approach to designing IOT applications using ESP8266, ESP32 or Pyboard D endpoints.
iot-core-micropython - Use MicroPython to connect to Google Cloud IoT Core.
SmartUPy - Controlling "Tuya-type" smart power outlets using MicroPython.
aws-iot-GET-POST-loop - MicroPython code which uses the AWS-IOT REST API to GET/POST device state info.
sensor-mqtt-homeassistant - An esp8266/32 MicroPython based sensor platform for gpio, dht, analog, led and more. Includes remote updates for .py code from web server and MQTT/Homeassistant integration.
micropython-necir - NEC infrared capture for TL1838 IR receiver LEDs.
Micropython-IR - Pyboard infrared remote sniff and replay.
micropython_ir - Nonblocking device drivers to receive from IR remotes and for IR "blaster" apps.
micropython-amg88xx - Driver for Grid-EYE thermal infra red array sensor (Adafruit 3538).
micropython-ys-irtm - MicroPython examples for YS-IRTM 5V NEC Infrared UART transceivers.
esp8266_ir - Control IR signal by websocket.
micropython_espX_IR_Transceiver - MicroPython esp32 IR Transceiver.
pico-ir - IR library for Raspberry Pi Pico.
uPyLoRaWAN - ESP32 using MicroPython meets LoRa and LoRaWAN.
SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266 - SX127x (LoRa transceiver) driver for (Micro)Python on ESP8266/ESP32/Raspberry_Pi.
LightLora_MicroPython - Lightweight Interrupt-driven Semtech SX127x Library for MicroPython.
u-lora - Raspi-lora for MicroPython.
sx127x_esp - Connect Ra-01 module base on LoRaTM sx127x chip to ESP8266/ESP32 under MicroPython.
nanoserver - MicroPython embedded LoRaWAN server.
micropySX126X - Semtech SX126X LoRa driver for MicroPython and CircuitPython.
micropython-mdns - A pure python implementation of MDNS with support for Service Discovery.
micropython-modbus - MicroPython port of modbus-tk.
micropython-modbus - Modbus Master library for MicroPython ESP32 devices. Based on pycom-modbus from pycom.
mp_modbus - Modbus Lib for MicroPython.
micropython-modbus - ModBus TCP and RTU library supporting client and host mode. Based on pycom-modbus from pycom.
micropython-mqtt - A 'resilient' asynchronous MQTT driver. Plus a means of using an ESP8266 to bring MQTT to non-networked targets.
MQBoard - A micro-framework for using MQTT with asyncio on MicroPython boards, primarily on the ESP32.
pysmartnode - MicroPython Smarthome framework.
umqtt_aws_iot - Publish UMQTT messages with MicroPython to AWS IoT.
sonoff-mqtt by davea - MicroPython scripts to control Sonoff/ESP8266 using MQTT.
micropython-sonoff-switch - Implements a MQTT controllable switch for the iTead Sonoff Switch using MicroPython.
micropython-thingspeak-mqtt-esp8266 - Publish and Subscribe to Thingspeak using MQTT with MicroPython running on ESP8266/ESP32 platforms.
uMQTT - MQTT publish for MicroPython on the WiPy board.
micropython-mqtt - Async MQTT library with auto reconnect for MicroPython devices such as the ESP32 or Pycom devices.
micropython-adafruit-mqtt-esp8266 - Using MQTT to Publish/Subscribe to adafruit io. MicroPython/CircuitPython implementation on ESP8266/ESP32.
MicropythonCayenneMQTTClient - A port of the Python Cayenne MQTT Client to MicroPython.
mqtt_upython - MQTT Client using MicroPython on ESP8266.
micropython-nfc - Using NFC with MicroPython.
micropython_pn532 - Driver for PN532 NFC/RFID breakout boards based on Adafruit CircuitPython (UART).
NFC_PN532_SPI - Partial Port of Adafruit CircuitPython to MicroPython of PN532 NFC/RFID control library (SPI).
esp8266_ntp_webserver - MicroPython + esp8266 + ntp + webserver.
micropython-ntpd - An implementation of an ntpd in MicroPython.
micropython_ntpserver - An NTP server written for MicroPython.
micropython-ntpclient - NTP client for MicroPython using uasyncio.
Official OneWire - For devices using the OneWire bus, eg Dallas ds18x20.
Onewire_DS18X20 - Classes for driving the DS18x20 sensor with the onewire protocol for Pycom MicroPython.
eiscp-micropython - MicroPython port for the Onkyo-EISCP protocol used, among others, by Pioneer.
micropython-ota-updater - OTA Updater for MicroPython.
Micropython-ESP32-OTA - MicroPython updater based on rdehuyss/micropython-ota-updater.
senko - Simplest OTA update solution for your MicroPython projects.
micropython-radio - Protocols for nRF24L01 2.4Ghz radio modules.
micropython-rfsocket - MicroPython implementation of popular 433MHzn based RFSockets.
Official nRF24L01 - Official driver for nRF24L01 2.4Ghz radio modules.
micropython_remote - Capture and replay 433MHz remote control codes. Control remote switched power adaptors.
micropython-ys-rf34t - MicroPython examples using YS-RF34T 433MHz ASK/OOK UART transceivers.
FM_Talkie - FM Walkie Talkie using RDA5820N.
micropython-TEA5767 - MicroPython ESP8266/ESP32 driver for TEA5767 FM radio module.
micropython-ppm-decoder - Utility for decoding an R/C receiver PPM frame signal.
ESP32-433Mhz-Receiver-and-Tools - ESP32 433Mhz Receiver written in MicroPython and Tools for Windows.
webrepl - MicroPython WebREPL.
zepl - MicroPython WebREPL Console Application using ZeroMQ.
jupyter_micropython_remote - Jupyter kernel to directly execute code on a MicroPython board over the serial/web REPL.
FBConsole - Frame buffer console class for MicroPython.
micropython-mfrc522 - Driver for NXP MFRC522 RFID reader/writer.
micropython-wiegand - Wiegand protocol reader.
urdm6300 - A MicroPython driver for the popular RDM6300 RFID card reader.
micropython-tinyrtc-i2c - Driver for DS1307 RTC and AT24C32N EEPROM.
Micropython_TinyRTC - Driver for DS1307 RTC.
micropython-mcp7940 - Driver for the Microchip MCP7940 RTC.
micropython-ds1302-rtc - DS1302 RTC Clock driver for MicroPython.
DS3231micro - MicroPython library for DS3231.
mpy-miniterm - Tool for seamless serial debug and file synchronisation with MicroPython devices via the serial REPL.
MicroPython-MorseCode - International Morse Code using a micro-controller with MicroPython.
I2C Slave - Uses the Pyboard's I2C slave mode to implement a full duplex asynchronous link. Principal use case is for ESP8266 which has only one UART.
micropython-msgpack - MessagePack serialisation library optimised for MicroPython.
micropython-uprotobuf - A lightweight implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers (protobuf) for MicroPython.
minipb - Mini Protobuf {de}serializer in pure Python.
micropython-socks - MicroPython library implementing SOCKS server.
uMail - A lightweight, scalable SMTP client for sending email in MicroPython.
us2n - MicroPython bridge between UART and TCP for the ESP32.
MicroTelnetServer - Simple telnet server for MicroPython and the ESP8266 allowing telnet clients access to the REPL.
uPyVoip - Voip for MicroPython ESP32 with Interactive Voice Response.
HueBridge - Philips Hue Bridge.
micropython-wifimanager - A simple network configuration utility for MicroPython on the ESP8266 board.
WiFiManager - WiFi manager for ESP8266 - ESP12 - ESP32 - MicroPython.
Micropython-ESP-WiFi-Manager - WiFi Manager to configure and connect to networks.
MicroWebSrv - A micro HTTP Web server that supports WebSockets, html/python language templating and routing handlers, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
MicroWebSrv2 - The last Micro Web Server for IoTs (MicroPython) or large servers (CPython), that supports WebSockets, routes, template engine and with really optimized architecture (mem allocations, async I/Os).
tinyweb - Simple and lightweight HTTP async server for MicroPython.
upy-websocket-server - MicroPython (ESP8266) websocket server implementation.
micropython-captive-portal - A captive portal demo for MicroPython.
uPyPortal - A captive portal for MicroPython using ESP32 (WeMos).
ESP8266WebServer - ESP8266 web server for MicroPython.
microCoAPy - A mini client/server implementation of CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) into MicroPython.
micropyserver - MicroPyServer is a simple HTTP server for MicroPython projects.
MicroRESTCli - A micro JSON REST Web client based on MicroWebCli for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
micropython-noggin - A very simple web server for MicroPython.
uwebsockets - MicroPython websockets implementation for ESP8266.
microdot - The impossibly small web framework for MicroPython.
micropython-nanoweb - Full async MicroPython web server with small memory footprint.
MicroWebCli - A micro HTTP Web client for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
micropython-configserver - Captive portal for MicroPython including a dumb DNS server and a webserver to configure wifi networks.
micropython-aioweb - A minimalist asyncio web framework for MicroPython.
ZbPy - MicroPython IEEE802.15.4 / Zigbee parser.
micropython-ili9341 - SSD1606 active matrix epaper display 128x180.
micropython-waveshare-epaper - Drivers for various Waveshare e-paper modules.
micropython-waveshare-epd - Waveshare E-Paper Display driver for devices running Pycom-flavored MicroPython.
ssd1675a - Driver for SSD1675 based E-Paper displays.
Inkplate-micropython - MicroPython driver for Inkplate boards.
micropython-inkplate6 - MicroPython driver for the Inkplate 6.
eInk-micropython - E-Ink library for Waveshare 4.3inch device on MicroPython.
eink - E-Ink, E-Paper display driver for MicroPython and ESP32.
micropython_DEPG0213BN - Pure MicroPython driver for the DEPG0213BN E-Ink display found on the TTGO T5 V2.3 ESP32 boards.
micropython-font-to-py - A Python 3 utility to convert fonts to Python source capable of being frozen as bytecode.
writer A simple way to render above Python fonts to displays whose driver is subclassed from framebuf.
ssd1306big - A font for MicroPython on 128x64 pixel ssd1306 oled display.
micropython-stage - A MicroPython port of the Stage game library.
micropython-png - Derivative of PyPNG for use with MicroPython.
mpy-img-decoder - PNG and JPEG decoder / parser / renderer in pure MicroPython.
micropython-oled-progressbars - A collection of progress bars for use with esp8266 and esp32's on OLED displays.
microplot - Simple MicroPython plotting package.
lvgl - An object oriented component based high-level GUI library with MicroPython binding.
micropython-lcd160cr-gui - Simple touch driven event based GUI for the Pyboard and LCD160CR colour display.
micropython_ra8875 - MicroPython device driver and nano-GUI for RA8875 based displays.
micropython-nano-gui - A tiny display-only GUI with a limited set of GUI objects (widgets) for displays whose display driver is subclassed from the framebuf class. With drivers for TFT, ePaper and OLED displays.
micro-gui Derived from nano-gui and supporting the same displays and hosts, this provides for user input via pushbuttons or a navigation joystick and an optional rotary encoder.
TFT-GUI A fast touch GUI for large displays based on SSD1963 controller with XPT2046 touch controller.
LCD Character
Grove_RGB_LCD - Driver for SeeedStudio's Grove RGB LCD.
lcdi2c - Driver for HD44780 compatible dot matrix LCDs.
micropython-charlcd - Driver for HD44780 compatible LCDs.
micropython-i2c-lcd - Driver for I2C 2x16 LCD Screens.
pyboard-LCD-character-display - PyBoard driver for HDD44780 compatible 1602 LCDs.
python_lcd - Driver for HD44780 compatible dot matrix LCDs.
micropython-lcd - Class for controlling the HD44780 from a MicroPython pyboard.
HD44780-lcd-upy - MicroPython module for controlling a generic HD44780 LCD.
LCM1602-14_LCD_Library - driver for AIP31068L 3.3 V I2C and SPI 1602 Serial Character LCDs.
LCD Graphic
micropython-lcd-AQM1248A - ESP8266 driver for AQM1248A graphic LCD.
micropython-pcd8544 - Driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544 84x48 LCD modules.
micropython-st7565 - Driver for ST7565 128x64 LCDs.
micropython-st7920 - Library for simple graphic primitives on ST7920 128x64 monochrome LCD panel using ESP8266 and SPI.
MicroPython_PCD8544 - ESP8266 driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544.
Official LCD160CR - Driver for official MicroPython LCD160CR display with resistive touch sensor.
micropython-hx1230 - MicroPython library for HX1230 96x68 LCD modules.
micropython-SHARP_Memory_Display - MicroPython driver for SHARP memory display.
micropython-ili9341 - Collection of drivers for TFT displays, ILI9341, SH1106, SSD1606, ST7735.
micropython-ili934x - SPI driver for ILI934X series based TFT / LCD displays.
MicroPython-ST7735 - ESP32 version of GuyCarvers's ST7735 TFT LCD driver.
micropython-st7735 - Driver for ST7735 TFT LCDs.
MicroPython_ST7735 - Driver for ST7735 128x128 TFT.
SSD1963-TFT-Library-for-PyBoard-and-RP2040 - SSD1963 TFT Library for PyBoard and Raspberry Pi PICO.
ST7735 - Driver for ST7735 TFT LCDs.
micropython-ili9341 - MicroPython ILI9341 display & XPT2046 touch screen driver.
st7789_mpy - Fast pure-C driver for MicroPython that can handle display modules on ST7789 chip.
st7789py_mpy - Slow MicroPython driver for 240x240 ST7789 display without CS pin from Ali Express, written in MicroPython.
micropython-ili9341 - MicroPython Driver for ILI9341 display.
micropython-ili9341 - ILI9341 TFT driver for MicroPython on ESP32.
st7789_mpy - Fast MicroPython driver for ST7789 display module written in C.
st7789py_mpy - Driver for 320x240, 240x240 and 135x240 ST7789 displays written in MicroPython.
ili9342c_mpy - ILI9342C Fast 'C' Driver for MicroPython (M5Stack Core).
gc9a01py - GC9A01 Display driver in MicroPython.
gc9a01_mpy - Fast MicroPython driver for GC9A01 display modules written in C.
st7735-esp8266-micropython - An ESP8266 MicroPython library for st7735 160x80, 128x128, 128x160 TFT LCD displays.
TTGO-ST7789-MicroPython - MicroPython ST7789 display driver for TTGO T-Display ESP32 CP2104 WiFi Bluetooth Module 1.14 Inch LCD.
st7735_micropython - ST7735 MicroPython drivers for 80x160, 128x128, 128x160 for ESP8266.
ili934x-micropython - Library for using ILI9341 display drivers with MicroPython.
micropython-st7735-esp8266 - MicroPython driver for ST7735 TFT displays on the esp8266.
LED Matrix
micropython-ht1632c - Driver for HT1632C 32x16 bicolor led matrix.
micropython-matrix8x8 - Driver for AdaFruit 8x8 LED Matrix display with HT16K33 backpack.
micropython-max7219 - Driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix modules.
micropython-wemos-led-matrix-shield - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
micropython-wemos-led-matrix - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
micropython-max7219 - MicroPython driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix.
LED Segment
LKM1638 - Driver for JY-LKM1638 displays based on TM1638 controller.
max7219_8digit - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
micropython-max7219 - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
micropython-my9221 - Driver for MY9221 10-segment LED bar graph modules.
micropython-tm1637 - Driver for TM1637 quad 7-segment LED modules.
micropython-tm1638 - Driver for TM1638 dual quad 7-segment LED modules with switches.
micropython-tm1640 - Driver for TM1740 8x8 LED matrix modules.
micropython-tm1640 - MicroPython Library for 16 digits 7-segment displays controlled by a TM1640.
TM74HC595 - Driver for shift register controlled 5 pin display modules.
micropython-morsecode - Blink an LED with morse coded message.
micropython-p9813 - Driver for P9813 RGB LED used in SeeedStudio's Grove Chainable RGB LED.
micropython-ws2812-7seg - 7-segment display using WS2812 RGB LEDs.
micropython-ws2812 - Driver for WS2812 RGB LEDs.
Official APA102 - ESP8266 APA102/DotStar RGB LED driver.
Official WS2811 - ESP8266 WS2811/NeoPixel RGB LED driver.
tlc5940-micropython - Driver for TLC5940 16 channel LED driver.
ws2812-SPI - An efficient MicroPython WS2812 (NeoPixel) driver.
micropython-ws2801 - A MicroPython library to interface with strands of WS2801 RGB LEDs.
tlc5947-rgb-micropython - Driver for the TLC5947 24 channel 12-bit PWM LED driver.
Hybotics_Micropython_HT16K33 - MicroPython driver for the HT16K33, a LED matrix, 7-Segment Numeric, and 14-Segment Alphanumeric display driver IC.
micropython-rgbled - This wrapper module aims to reduce the work needed to work with NeoPixel (WS2812) and DotStar (APA102) RGB LED strips and matrixes.
micropython_fastled - Port of FastLED to MicroPython.
micropython_quickled - MicroPython module which allows python to pump data into the ws2811 leds at full speed.
micropython-rgb-led-driver - Tiny driver to control an RGB LED with PWM.
Grove_OLED - Driver for SSD1327 used by SeeedStudio's Grove OLED Display 1.12" v1.0.
micropython-oled - Collection of drivers for monochrome OLED displays, PCD8544, SH1106, SSD1306, UC1701X.
micropython-ssd1327 - Driver for SSD1327 128x128 4-bit greyscale OLED displays.
micropython-ssd1351 - Driver for SSD1351 OLED displays.
MicroPython_SSD1306 - ESP8266 driver for SSD1306 OLED 128x64 displays.
Official SSD1306 - Driver for SSD1306 128x64 OLED displays.
SH1106 - Driver for the SH1106 OLED display.
micropython-ssd1309 - MicroPython SSD1309 Monochrome OLED Display Driver.
sh1107-micropython - MicroPython driver for SH1107-based OLED display (64 x 128).
micropython-thermal-printer - The MicroPython port of Python Thermal Printer by Adafruit.
ads1x15 - Driver for the ADS1015/ADS1115 ADC, I2C interface.
micropython-ads1015 - ADS1015 12-Bit and ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
Micropython_ADS1115 - ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
ADS7818 - Python class interfacing the ADS7818 AD-converter.
micropython-ads1219 - MicroPython module for the Texas Instruments ADS1219 ADC.
micropython-hx711 - MicroPython driver for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter.
MicroPython-ADC_Cal - ESP32 ADC driver using reference voltage calibration value from efuse.
micropython-mcp4725 - Driver for the MCP4725 I2C DAC.
mcp4728 - Helper library for the Microchip MCP4728 I2C 12-bit Quad DAC.
micropython-inputs - Classes to count pulses, debounce digital inputs, and calculate moving averages of analog inputs for a MicroPython board.
ubutton - A MicroPython library for controlling reading and debouncing pushbutton inputs, including "short" and "long" press callbacks.
micropython-debounce-switch - MicroPython Class for Debouncing Switches.
micropython-mcp230xx - Driver for MCP23017 and MCP23008 GPIO expanders.
micropython-mcp23017 - MicroPython driver for MCP23017 16-bit I/O Expander.
micropython-pcf8574 - MicroPython driver for PCF8574 8-Bit I2C I/O Expander with Interrupt.
micropython-pcf8575 - MicroPython driver for PCF8575 16-Bit I2C I/O Expander with Interrupt.
micropython-pcf8591 - MicroPython driver for PCF8591 8-Bit I2C I/O Expander.
micropython-nunchuck - Driver for Nunchuk game controller, I2C interface.
micropython-keyboard - 47 key keyboard running on a MicroPython pyboard.
pico-rgbkeypad - A Python class for controlling the Pimoroni RGB Keypad for Raspberry Pi Pico.
micropython-aiobutton - A MicroPython module for asyncio button.
micropython-ad840x - MicroPython SPI-based manipulation of the AD series digital potentiometers AD8400, AD8402 and AD8403.
mcp4131 - MicroPython module to control MicroChip's MCP4131 SPI digital potentiometer.
Power Management
AXP202_PythonLibrary - MicroPython AXP202 Library.
micropython_hourly_sleeper_library - A MicroPython library that enables an esp8266 to sleep for hourly increments for a setup amount of hours.
upwmcontroller - A MicroPython library for controlling PWM outputs in an asyncio loop, with features including fading and blinking.
micropython-rotary - MicroPython module to read a rotary encoder.
uencoder - A MicroPython library for reading from a rotary encoder.
encodermenu - Simple GUI menu for micropython using a rotary encoder and basic display.
encoderLib - MicroPython library to handle a rotary encoder.
rotary-encoder - MicroPython code to drive a KY-040 rotary encoder.
micropython-encoder-knob - A very simple lightweight encoder knob library with button support.
encoders Short document explaining issues around encoder technology.
asynchronous encoder driver Interface an encoder to uasyncio code.
micropython-74hc595 - MicroPython driver for 74HC595 8-bit shift registers.
MicroPython-SN74HCS264 - MicroPython Driver for SN74HCS264 8-Bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Registers With Schmitt-Trigger Inputs and Inverted Outputs.
Micropython-AD9833 - Pyboard driver for AD9833, spi interface.
Clock_Generators - Clock generators (Si5351 for now) toolbox.
Signal_Generators - Signal generators (AD9833, AD9834, AD9850, ADF4351) tools box.
ad9850_signalgen - MicroPython library for AD9850 synthesizer.
DC Motor
L298N - Driver for the L298N dual h-bridge motor controller.
MicroPython-L298 - Drive L298 dual H-bridge with MicroPython.
micropython-pca9685 - 16-channel 12-bit PWM/servo driver.
micropython-upybbot - A4988 driver for bipolar stepper motors.
uln2003 - Driver for 5V 28BYJ-48 stepper motors.
micropython-multiaxis - Multiaxis with MicroPython ESP32 and DRV8825.
ticlib - Driver for Pololu Tic stepper motor controllers.
AccelStepper-MicroPython - AccelStepper Library for MicroPython - ESP32.
pystepper - MicroPython Stepper Motor Sequence Control.
uPySteppers - DIY rotating platform using an ESP32 connected to Wi-Fi.
microPython_AMIS-30543 - MicroPython library for Stepper Driver control using AMIS-30543 driver.
Accelerometer Digital
ADXL345-with-Pyboard - Driver for ADXL345 16g 3-axis accelerometer.
adxl345_micropython - Driver for ADXL345 16g 3-axis accelerometer.
micropython-lis2hh12 - I2C driver for LIS2HH12 3-axis accelerometer.
MMA7660 - Driver for MMA7660 1.5g 3-axis accelerometer.
ADXL345_spi_micropython - Library for interacting through the SPI protocol with an 'Analog Devices ADXL345' accelerometer from an MCU flashed with MicroPython.
Air Quality
CCS811 - CCS811 Air Quality Sensor.
upython-aq-monitor - Air Quality monitor using PMS5003 sensor and WiPy.
micropython-pms7003 - MicroPython driver for the PMS7003 Air Quality Sensor.
pms5003_micropython - Driver for pms5003 air quality sensor for MicroPython.
micropython-pms5003-minimal - Driver for pms5003 air quality sensor for MicroPython.
polly - SDS011 pollution sensor + Wemos D1 mini pro + MicroPython.
micropython-bme280 - Driver for the Bosch BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor.
micropython-bmp180 - Driver for Bosch BMP180 temperature, pressure and altitude sensor.
mpy_bme280_esp8266 - Bosch BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor.
BME280 - MicroPython driver for the BME280 sensor, target platform Pycom devices.
micropython-bmp280 - Module for the BMP280 sensor.
micropython_bme280_i2c - A MicroPython module for communicating with the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor.
MicroPython-BME280 - Driver to digital sensor of Temperature, Pressure and Humidity.
micropython-bmp180 - A module for MicroPython which provides a class for the BMP180 pressure sensor.
Micropython-LC709203F - A simple MicroPython library for LC709293F Fuel Gauge.
micropython-fingerprint - MicroPython library for reading Grow and ZhianTec finger print sensors.
MAX30102-MicroPython-driver - A MAX30102 driver ported to MicroPython. It should also work for MAX30105.
micropython-ov2640 - MicroPython class for OV2640 camera.
Nikon-Trigger-for-MicroPython - Remote trigger for a Nikon camera using an IR LED. For PyBoard v1.1.
micropython-camera-driver - OV2640 camera driver for MicroPython on ESP32.
esp32-cam-micropython - MicroPython esp32-cam.
uPyCam - Take a photo with an ESP32-CAM running MicroPython.
OV2640_uPy - OV2640 Camera Library for MicroPython.
MQTT-Cam - ESP-32 Cam MicroPython MQTT AWS S3 Uploader.
micropython-tcs34725 - Driver class for TCS34725 and TCS34727 color sensors.
micropython-esp8266-hmc5883l - 3-axis digital compass on the ESP8266.
QMC5883 - Python class for the QMC5883 Three-Axis Digital Compass IC.
microPython_AS5600L - MicroPython driver for AS5600L magnet rotary position sensor.
micropythonINA219 - Driver for INA219 current sensor.
pyb_ina219 - Driver for INA219 current sensor.
INA219 - INA219 MicroPython driver.
TI_INA226_micropython - MicroPython driver for Texas Instruments INA226 power measuring IC.
micropython-current-monitor - Current monitor using the INA219 and an SSD1306 OLED.
Distance IR
micropython-gp2y0e03 - IR-LED distance measuring sensor using Sharp GP2Y0E03.
micropython-vl6180 - Time-of-Flight sensor, ambient light sensor & IR emitter.
Distance Laser
micropython-vl53l0x - Time-of-Flight laser-ranging sensor.
Qwiic_TOF_Module_RFD77402 - Qwiic TOF Module (RFD77402) time-of-flight rangefinding module.
VL53L0X - MicroPython Library for Lidar Sensor VL53L0X.
vl53l1x_pico - MicroPython driver for the vl53l1x ToF sensor.
tf-luna-micropython - A simple MicroPython i2c library for TF-Luna LiDAR Module.
vl53l5cx - MicroPython and CircuitPython Package for the VL53L5CX (4x4/8x8 ToF sensor array).
Distance Ultrasonic
micropython-hcsr04 - Driver for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors.
micropython-us100 - MicroPython driver for the US-100 sonar distance sensor.
pyGP2Y - MicroPython library for the Sharp GP2Y1014AU0F Dust Sensor.
ATM90E26_Micropython - Driver for ATM90E26 energy metering device.
MCP39F521 - ESP8266 scripts for reading MCP39F521 power monitors.
micropython-p1meter - A ESP32 sensor to read an p1 electricity meter and publish this to MQTT and HomeAssistant, written in MicroPython.
esp32-solar2 - Simple solar regulator - MicroPython project.
micropython-MQ - Drivers for MQ series gas sensors.
MQ135 - Driver for MQ135 gas sensor.
CCS811 - Basic MicroPython driver for CCS811 on ESP8266 boards.
micropython-scd30 - MicroPython I2C driver for Sensirion SCD30 CO2 sensor module.
micropython-sgp40 - MicroPython I2C driver for SGP40 VOC sensor module.
MICS6814-Micropython-driver - ESP32 Micropython driver for the Pimoroni mics6814 breakout board.
MicroPython-SI1145 - SI1145 UV index, IR, visible light and proximity sensor.
micropython-tsl2561 - Driver for the TSL2561 illumination sensor from TAOS / ams.
mpy_bh1750fvi_esp8266 - ESP8266 driver for BH1750FVI sensor.
bh1750 - BH1750 i2c digital light sensor driver.
micropython-max44009 - MicroPython driver for the MAX44009 ambient light sensor.
veml7700 - Library for MicroPython for VEML7700 light sensor.
MicroPython_MAX44009_driver - MicroPython driver for MAX44009 light sensor.
Motion Inertial
micropython-bmx055 - Driver for Bosch BMX055 IMU sensor.
micropython-bno055 - Bosch Sensortec BNO055 9DOF IMU sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-lsm9ds0 - LSM9DS0 g-force linear acceleration, gauss magnetic and dps angular rate sensors.
micropython-mpu9250 - I2C driver for MPU9250 9-axis motion tracking device.
micropython-mpu9x50 - Driver for the InvenSense MPU9250 inertial measurement unit.
MPU6050-ESP8266-MicroPython - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
py-mpu6050 - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
micropython-mpu6886 - MicroPython I2C driver for MPU6886 6-axis motion tracking device.
micropython-fusion - Sensor fusion calculates heading, pitch and roll from the outputs of motion tracking devices.
flight_controller - MicroPython flight controller.
micropython-bno055 - Bosch BNO055 driver for MicroPython. IMU with hardware sensor fusion.
micropython-mpu6050-mqtt-streamer - Stream data from MPU6050 to MQTT server using MicroPython on ESP8266.
upy-motion - A simple MPU6050 driver written in MicroPython.
micropython-bno08x-rvc - MicroPython library for bno08x.
micropython-mpu9250 - MicroPython MPU-9250 (MPU-6500 + AK8963) I2C driver.
ms5803-micropython - A MicroPython implementation of the driver for an MS5803 pressure & temperature sensor.
MPL3115A2_MicroPython - MicroPython library for the MPL3115A2 Altimeter.
uPy_APDS9960 - MicroPython proximity library for esp8266 using APDS9960.
micropython-geiger - Geiger counter with MicroPython card.
ESPGeiger - MicroPython library for the ESP8266 Geiger counter.
Soil Moisture
micropython-chirp - Driver for the Chirp Soil Moisture Sensor.
MicroPython-MiFlora - Xiaomi Mi Flora (aka. flower care) BLE plant sensors (soil moisture/conductivity/light intensity/temperature).
AS726X_LoPy - MicroPython driver for the AS726X spectral sensor.
Temperature Analog
micropython-max31855 - Thermocouple amplifier, SPI interface.
max31856 - Precision thermocouple to digital converter with linearization, SPI interface.
mcp9700 - Generic MicroPython driver for MCP9700.
Temperature Digital
bme680-mqtt-micropython - Driver for BME680 gas, pressure, temperature and humidity sensor.
LM75-MicroPython - Driver for LM75 digital temperature sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-am2320 - Aosong AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-dht12 - Aosong DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-hdc1008 - Driver for the Texas Instruments HDC1008 humidity and temperature sensor.
micropython-mcp9808 - Driver for the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor.
micropython-mpl115a2 - Pyboard driver for the MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor.
micropython-sht30 - Driver for SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-sht31 - Driver for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-Si7005 - Driver for Si7005 relative humidity and temperature sensor.
micropython-si7021 - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-si7021 - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-Si705x - Silicon Labs Si705x series of temperature sensors, I2C interface.
micropython-Si70xx - Silicon Labs Si70xx series of relative humidity and temperature sensors, I2C interface.
micropython-tmp102 - Driver for TMP102 digital temperature sensor.
Official DHT11+DHT12 - ESP8266 driver for DHT11 and DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor.
sht25-micropython - Driver for SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-tmp1075 - Driver for the TI TMP1075 temperature sensor.
micropython-sht11 - Driver for Sensirion SHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-lm75a - Driver for the NXP LM75A digital temperature sensor.
BME680-Micropython - MicroPython driver for the BME680 sensor.
htu21d-esp8266 - This is a MicroPython module / class to measure data from the htu21d.
HTU21D Asynchronous driver for this temperature and humidity sensor.
esp-sht3x-micropython - A SHT3x (SHT30/31/35) Lib for esp8266/esp32 with MicroPython.
sht25-micropython - MicroPython implementation of API of SHT25 Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
micropython-sht30 - SHT30 sensor driver in pure python based on I2C bus.
micropython_ahtx0 - MicroPython driver for the AHT10 and AHT20 temperature and humidity sensors.
Temperature IR
micropython-mlx90614 - Driver for Melexis MLX90614 IR temperature sensor.
Touch Capacitive
micropython-mpr121 - Driver for MPR121 capacitive touch keypads and breakout boards.
micropython-ttp223 - Examples using TTP223 capacitive touch module.
micropython-TTP229-BSF - MicroPython ESP8266/ESP32 driver for TTP229-BSF 16-key capacitive keypad in serial interface mode.
uFT6336U - MicroPython I2C driver for the Focus LCDs FT6336U capacitive touch panel controller IC.
Touch Resistive
XPT2046-touch-pad-driver - Driver for XPT2046 touch pad controller used in many TFT modules.
micropython-mcron - MicroCRON is a time-based task scheduling program for MicroPython.
micropython-scron - SimpleCRON is a time-based task scheduling program inspired by the well-known CRON program for Unix systems.
Schedule A scheduler for uasyncio based applications. Schedule events at specified times and dates.
uPyMySQL - Pure uPython MySQL Client.
micropython-redis - A redis client implementation designed for use with MicroPython.
picoredis - A very minimal Redis client (not only) for MicroPython.
micropg - PostgreSQL database driver for MicroPython.
nmongo - MongoDB client for CPython and MicroPython, with mongo shell like APIs.
MicroPyDatabase - A low-memory json-based database for MicroPython.
micropython-firebase-realtime-database - Firebase implementation for MicroPython optimized for ESP32.
micropython-firebase-firestore - Firebase Firestore implementation for Micropython.
uSQLite - SQLite library module for MicroPython.
micropython_eeprom - Cross platform MicroPython device drivers for memory chips (EEPROM, FRAM, Flash, PSRAM).
mb_24x256_512 - Very simple MicroPython module/driver for Microchip 24x256 and 24x512 I2C EEPROM devices.
micropython_data_to_py - A Python3 utility to convert an arbitrary binary file to Python source for freezing as bytecode in Flash.
micropython-winbond - Interact with Winbond W25Q Flash chips via SPI.
micropython-fram - Pyboard driver for Ferroelectric RAM module.
mb_PSRAM_64Mb_SPI - Very simple MicroPython module to use a generic 64Mbit PSRAM (ie Adafruit 4677) with a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
mb_23LC1024 - Very simple MicroPython module to use a Microchip 23LC1024 SPI SRAM with a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
mb_47x16 - Very simple MicroPython module/driver for Microchip 47x16 EERAM devices (47L/47C).
MicroWorkers - A micro workers class that easily manages a pool of threads to optimise simultaneous jobs and jobs endings, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
upymenu - MicroPython Menu for LCD Displays.
MicroPython Forum - Online community of over 6400 users discussing all things related to MicroPython.
MicroPython on Twitter - Follow MicroPython on Twitter for latest news and updates.
MicroPython on Facebook - Like MicroPython on Facebook for competitions, news and updates.
Melbourne MicroPython Meetup - Regular meetup at CCHS in Melbourne, Australia.
Slack - Get an automated invite to the micropython.slack.com workspace.
Discord - Get an invite to the MicroPython Discord server.
uasyncio Write asynchronous code which interfaces to hardware devices.
Asynchronous drivers Tutorial and code for asynchronous interfaces to switches, pushbuttons, encoders and ADCs.
Pyboard micropower Tutorial and code for low power applications on Pyboard 1.x and Pyboard D.
3D rotation with quaternions Tutorial and code for the easy way to do 3D rotation.
Programming with MicroPython: Embedded Programming with Microcontrollers and Python - By Nicholas H. Tollervey. ISBN 9781491972731.
MicroPython for the Internet of Things: A Beginner's Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484231227.
MicroPython Cookbook - By Marwan Alsabbagh. ISBN 9781838649951.
Python for Microcontrollers: Getting Started with MicroPython - By Donald Norris. ISBN 9781259644535.
Advanced Programming in MicroPython By Example - By Yury Magda. ISBN 9781090900937.
MicroPython Projects - By Jacob Beningo. ISBN 9781789958034.
Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico - By Gareth Halfacree and Ben Everard. ISBN 9781912047864.
MicroPython for Microcontrollers - By Günter Spanner. ISBN 9783895764370.
micrOS - MicroPython based IoT Framework.
terkin-datalogger - Flexible data logger application for MicroPython and CPython.
perthensis - Perthensis: an asynchronous framework for MicroPython.
MicroPython - Project website. Test drive the pyboard. Try MicroPython online with unicorn.
MicroPython on GitHub - Submit bug reports, follow and join in development on GitHub.
MicroPython Official Documentation - For various ports, including quick reference, general information, examples and tutorials.
MicroPython Wiki - Community generated documentation and examples of the features of MicroPython and the pyboard.
MicroPython Newsletter - Subscribe to the MicroPython newsletter for news and announcements including new features and new products.
MicroPython Store - Where you can buy the pyboard, housings, skins, books, connectors and peripherals.
MicroPython on Wikipedia - MicroPython on Wikipedia.
awesome-micropythons - The many forks & ports of MicroPython.
Code Generation
micropy-cli - Micropy Cli is a project management/generation tool for writing MicroPython code in modern IDEs such as VSCode.
micropython-stubber - Generate and use stubs for different MicroPython firmwares to use with vscode and/or pylint.
micropy-stubs - Automatically Generated Stub Packages for Micropy-Cli and whomever else.
micropython-extmod-generator - Generator for MicroPython external modules written in C.
esp32-backtrace - ESP32 Exception Stack Backtrace Analyzer.
micropython-aiosentry - Asynchronous Sentry.io micro client for MicroPython.
micropython-usyslog - Simple remote syslog client for MicroPython.
Asynchronous monitor Use a Raspberry Pico and a logic analyser or scope to monitor asynchronous code.
BIPES - Web based IDE for MicroPython with file manager, editor, code generation from blocks, IoT dashboard and Serial/USB/Bluetooth/WebREPL console on the web browser! Source: https://github.com/BIPES.
JetBrains IntelliJ/PyCharm MicroPython Plugin - Plugin for MicroPython devices in IntelliJ and PyCharm.
Micropython IDE for VSCode - MicroPython IDE for VSCode README.
Micropython-REPLink for VSCode - Handy shortcuts for interacting with a MicroPython REPL terminal.
Mu Editor - Code with Mu: a simple Python\MicroPythonb\CircuitPython editor for beginner programmers.
Thonny IDE - Thonny: Python IDE for beginners.
Pyboard File Manager - Pyboard File Manager: Windows GUI for Pyboard.py compatible devices.
micropython-ulogger - Lightweight log module customized for MicroPython.
On Device
upy-shell - A simple command line based shell for MicroPython.
Micropython-Editor - Small on-board editor for PyBoard, WiPy, ESP8266, ESP32, PyCom and Adafruit devices written in Python.
On Host
rshell - Copy or Sync files to Boards, enter REPL from your terminal.
ampy - MicroPython Tool - Utility to interact with a MicroPython board over a serial connection.
mpfshell - A simple shell based file explorer for ESP8266 and WiPy.
mpsync - A small tool that synchronizes a folder to a MicroPython board whenever it detects a change.
mpremote Powerful official shell supports mounting the host's current directory on the target. Run code without changing the target's filesystem.


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